Monday, April 23, 2012

Barbecue Hit

Hi. I'm just finished resize the photos of last night barbecue at Edrick's home. So yesterday is quite awesome. Yea use well your young energy before its late haha! I came with the girls around 8 i think to his home and found some of our friends are ald in there. We had to his room and playing the card while waiting to 10PM to downstairs and prepare all the thing. One problem comes to us when we're preparing the thing. The charcoal or we use to say 'arang' is stupidly fucking annoying. The charcoal isn't like other charcoal. The shape is square and its friendly with nature. But the big problem is the charcoal is so hard to get boom or what i say on fire. It takes 1 hour to make it on fire. Shit i never gonna buy those charcoal again. Its pretty expensive and we bought 3kg of it!
But yet it was fun and the place isn't so messy because the host is so clean minded and workmanlike. Cheers for Edrick! Its hard to find a clean minded guy hahahha. 

girl version

boy version

playing the card again after done with barbecue. i'm not playing.

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